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Learning Agreement Rwth Erasmus

As an aspiring international student, it`s essential to gain insights into the administrative and academic processes involved in studying abroad. If you`re interested in pursuing studies in Germany, the Learning Agreement is a vital document you should know about.

What is a Learning Agreement, and why is it important?

The Learning Agreement is a formal agreement between the student, the sending institution, and the host institution that outlines the academic program the student will undertake during the exchange period. It covers all the courses, modules, and other academic activities that the student will undertake and the credit points assigned for each activity. The Learning Agreement is essential because it ensures that the academic credits earned by the student during the exchange period will be recognized by their home institution when they return.

The Learning Agreement is particularly crucial for Erasmus students, who are eligible for funding under the Erasmus+ program. The program provides financial support to students during their exchange period and also covers the costs associated with credit transfers, provided that the Learning Agreement is in place and accurately filled out.

Features of the Learning Agreement

The Learning Agreement is typically divided into three sections: the first section, completed before the mobility period; the second section, completed during the mobility period, and the third section, completed after the mobility period.

The first section outlines the academic program that the student will undertake, including the courses, modules, and other academic activities. It also includes the credit points assigned for each activity, which are essential to ensure that the credits are recognized when the student returns to their home institution.

The second section of the Learning Agreement is completed during the mobility period, and it highlights any changes or modifications made to the initial academic program outlined in the first section.

Finally, the third section of the Learning Agreement is completed after the mobility period and includes a summary of the credits earned by the student during the exchange period. This section is crucial for the recognition of the credits earned by the student when they return to their home institution.

Learning Agreement at RWTH Aachen University

If you`re interested in studying at RWTH Aachen University, you should know that the Learning Agreement is mandatory for all exchange students. The university has an online system that allows students to fill out and submit their Learning Agreements online. The system is user-friendly and offers guidance on filling out the form, making the process less daunting.

In conclusion, the Learning Agreement is an essential document every international student should know about, particularly those interested in the Erasmus+ program. It ensures that the academic credits earned during the exchange period are recognized by the home institution and are fundamental in the academic success of the student. If you`re interested in studying at RWTH Aachen University, ensure that you fill out the Learning Agreement accurately and on time to ensure a smooth exchange program.

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